

What Is Going Green?

When someone is greening their home or going green, they are being eco-friendly, environmentally responsible, and performing ethical practices at the same time.

Therefore, “green” is a broad term used in today’s culture that covers sustainable practices, eco-friendly behavior, and environmental responsibility.

When you practice green activities, you are contributing to conserving the earth’s natural resources, reducing waste, and using less energy. Keep in mind that the planet’s resources are limited.

Yet, as the population continues to expand and technological advances unfold, we tend to consume and use more natural resources.

The rate of use is particularly obvious in developed countries, especially North America and Europe.

Cutting down trees to produce paper and extracting oil, coal, and other natural fuels to drive autos, airplanes, and machines puts everything in perspective.

The use of fossil fuels has resulted in pollution, acid rain, and global warming – a cause-and-effect situation.

Therefore, the greening of the planet means finding ways to preserve finite resources and protect animals and plants that are on the verge of extinction.

It also means protecting marine life and preventing the disposal of waste and pollutants in the ocean and streams.

Some Green Facts

According to a report produced by the World Wildlife Fund, people are using over 20% more natural resources than what the Earth can provide.

Moreover, from 1970 to 2000, animal species on the land, in freshwater lakes, and in seas have dropped by 40%.

This makes going green especially important – now more than ever.

Deforestation and fewer trees cause problems with the absorption of carbon dioxide, which leads to increases in global warming.

This, in turn, triggers climate changes as well as floods and erosion – all which destroy natural plant and animal habitats.

In some areas, over-fishing has virtually eliminated fish populations, an imbalance that upsets the marine eco-system.

Also, plastic bags are dumped in the ocean and strangle the marine life who get caught up in the plastic debris.

That is why we need to use products that can be reused or can biodegrade. One of the ways we can effect a change is in the kitchen bags we choose to use.

That is why our product, BagUps, is a trending solution.

The kitchen bags are biodegradable garbage bags and will not linger in landfills. Instead, they degrade in a short matter of time – about 24 to 36 months, thereby making it easier to go green and practice eco-friendly measures.

A Sustainable and Ethical Product

BagUps are assembled by disabled people and U.S. veterans, and therefore represent a product that is both sustainable and ethical.

BagUps help people understand the importance of consuming only what they need and using zero-waste products.

You can also go green by buying reusable products and practicing recycling.

Therefore, going green means assessing what we need and want we want, and making the distinction.

Do you really need or want a new car?

Do you truly need to use that plastic wrap or bag? Why are you using paper towels when you can use more sustainable bamboo substitutes?

Another aspect of being eco-friendly, or choosing to go green, involves energy conservation.

Again, fossil fuels that create energy from coal, natural gas, and oil are limited.

Therefore, greening the planet involves using solar energy and wind energy as well.

When you use more sustainable energy sources, less pollution is created. Moreover, the mining of coal or extraction of oil causes a large amount of pollution.

These same resources also cause even more pollution when used to drive autos, operate factories, and support power plants.

In addition, going green means reducing waste and consumption, or following the principle of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.

When waste is reduced, we also use less energy or resources for managing unwanted waste. Less pollution is emitted from both incinerators and landfills.

Protecting the Earth’s Ecological Balance

When you go green, you are basically protecting the earth’s ecological balance – a balance that is in need of some major adjustments.

When the balance is favorable, both plants and animals, along with humans, can co-exist harmoniously.

Unfortunately, we have also destroyed many plant and animal habitats by overbuilding or through developing the land.

To build up areas or develop them, we have also extracted finite resources at an accelerated rate.

Through deforestation and overconsumption, we have made it difficult for the earth to get rid of excess chemicals and carbon dioxide – stretching the earth’s resources beyond what is reasonable.

Things like genetic engineering, hormonal injections in livestock, and chemical fertilizers supply our desire for money but lends to a lesser quality of life.

What are you doing to green the planet and make it a more harmonious place to live?

Begin by considering what you buy and by practicing recycling. Use biodegradable products to ensure a better quality of life and less landfill waste.



Additional Information About Saving The Planet

The Case Against Plastic

Biodegradable Explained

Environmental Sustainability

Eco Friendly Blog

Kitchen Gadget

Home Recycling

Why Im Eco Friendly

Living An Eco Friendly Lifestyle

My Favorite Kitchen Product Is Bagups

What Is Composting

How Can I Be Even More Eco Friendly

15 Ways We Can Help Save The Planet

Bagups Mentioned In Redfin Blog

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