

15 Ways We Can Help Save The Planet

Eco friendly actions are a great way to help save the planet. As an individual, you have a significant impact on the environment and how it is treated. The choices you make every day can either harm or protect our world. Help support the effort.

It's time for a change

The world is in peril.

We need partners, people, ideas and companies to join together to solve this crisis.

We can act local but our impact must be global.

When is the best time to plant a tree? 20 years ago. When is the second best time to plant a tree? Today!

Solar power and wind power are great but they are just the start if we are to rescue the earth and preserve the future.

These 15 eco-friendly actions will make your life easier while also making the global community healthier! We must address these issues today and look for solutions in every thing we do.


One of the easiest ways to help is by recycling. Every time you recycle an item, it’s a step towards improving the health and safety of our world.

The average American throws away more than 200 pounds of plastic per year! This doesn't mean that we should avoid buying plastics altogether; rather, think about what you need and what can be recycled before purchase.

Instead of buying water bottles or sports drinks packed tightly into boxes, consider investing in reusable containers such as mason jars.

Use Biodegradable Trash Bags

biodegradable trash bags

As if saving money and helping the planet wasn't enough; using biodegradable garbage bags can really make a big difference!

Not only are these types of trash bags more sustainable; but they also help reduce greenhouse gas emissions all over the world. In fact, every time you use one of these products instead of regular plastic or paper ones; you are reducing your carbon footprint

These types of bags are also easier to recycle than their plastic counterparts too.

Try using them at home or for your business and see how much more sustainable they can be. The environment is in our hands, everyone- so let's do what we can to protect it from harm!

Bring Your Own Cup When Purchasing Coffee

coffee thermos

According to the National Restaurant Association, nearly 50% of Americans drink coffee daily and more than 80 million cups are thrown away every year. This means that almost 40 billion cups of coffee are thrown away and not recycled every year!

There is a way to reduce this number, however; by bringing your own reusable cup when you purchase coffee or tea.

If everyone brought their own cup to the coffee shop, less paper and plastic cups would be needed.

This means that fewer trees will need cut down in order produce more disposable cups for consumers; it also saves money on manufacturing costs as well.

Use Reusable Bags When Shopping or Eating Out

Another simple eco-friendly action you can take when shopping is to bring your own reusable bag. Plastic bags are convenient, but they also have a lasting negative impact on the environment.

In order to produce one plastic grocery bag, it takes 12 million BTUs of energy according to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This means that each time we use a plastic bag, we are depleting our natural resources and using up energy.

When you shop for groceries or visit other retail stores to purchase items like clothing; bring your own reusable bags. This will not only reduce the number of plastics in landfills, but it also helps save money on manufacturing costs!

If bringing your own reusable bag is not an option, try to avoid plastic bags whenever you can. Most stores now offer paper or cloth options for those who forget their reusable bag at home.

Reduce Your Pet’s Footprint by Feeding Them Leftovers

Believe it or not, feeding your pet is one of the most environmentally conscious things you can do. Not only are they helping themselves by eating food scraps that were already going to be thrown away; but they are also reducing their carbon footprint!

It's amazing what they will eat too!

If you have an animal that is fed at certain times throughout the day and they do not eat all their food; consider taking what’s left to a local shelter or even feeding it to your pet.

If this isn't an option for you due to medical restrictions, consider composting the remains to reduce waste.

Make Your Own Cleaners and Household Products

One of the quickest ways you can start living a more eco-friendly lifestyle is by making your own household cleaners. This reduces emissions in our environment as well as saves money on products that are not built with natural ingredients or additives.

By bringing your own reusable containers and filling up with homemade cleaners; you are doing two things at once.

Don’t Waste Food

According to the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), more than 40% of food in America is thrown away every year. With millions of Americans going hungry each day, this statistic should be a wake up call for everyone!

Not only does wasting so much food contribute to climate change; but it also costs consumers money on their grocery bills.

If you are unsure about how to reduce food waste and save your leftovers, consider buying a smaller refrigerator.

By doing this, you will be able to see what is in the fridge at all times and prevent items from going bad quickly. In addition, try using an airtight container for storing leftover foods so it lasts longer! If fresh leftovers are not an option, consider freezing your food to have it for a later date.

Turn Off the Water when You Brush Your Teeth

One of the simplest ways you can be eco-friendly is to turn off your water when brushing your teeth. According to Treehugger, “it takes about a gallon and half of H2O to make one toothbrush” meaning that we are wasting thousands of gallons every year simply by not turning our faucet off while flossing and brushing.

We can all be better in this area.

If you find it difficult to remember to turn off the spigot, consider putting a reminder on your bathroom mirror that will catch your attention immediately after finishing up with your teeth.

Or try setting an alarm on your phone or computer for 30 seconds so you can finish up in time. These small actions contribute to saving water and it will not only make your sink a little bit shinier; but also could save an ocean.

Buy Local and Organic Produce

buy organic

One of the most obvious ways to reduce your carbon footprint and be eco-friendly is by buying local products. Although there are many benefits to organic products, supporting businesses in our own communities has a ripple effect that we cannot ignore.

Not only does this contribute to reducing our ecological footprint; but it also helps small business owners thrive instead of big corporations.

The best part about being eco-friendly is that it’s all relative to the individual; as long as you are doing your research and trying to prevent waste in any way possible, then you are making a difference!

By shifting our habits towards more sustainable lifestyles, we will become healthier individuals while living on this planet for many years to come.

Carpool or Ride your Bike to Work on Occasion


One of the simplest ways you can be eco-friendly is by carpooling or riding your bike to work on occasion.

With traffic becoming more congested every day; cutting down trips alone will make a huge difference in reducing climate change!

If you find that your route to work is not suitable for biking or carpooling, consider making a few small changes.

For example, if there are multiple people in the office who live near each other; try arranging time throughout the week where everyone can meet up at the same location and travel together on their way into work.

Have an errand close by? Walk. Need to go up or down a few floors. Forget the elevator. Walk.

We are all one big community working together.

Conserve Water With Efficient Shower Head

It's amazing what an efficient shower head can do, especially when combined with shorter showers. If we could scale this responsible action across the globe the effects would be enormous. Instead of it taking 9 gallons

Save Energy and Turn Off Electronics

Leaving electronics on standby is one of the easiest ways to contribute to the environment; especially when it comes to your television and computer screens! According to Energy Saving Trust, over 300 million TVs are in use today that collectively cost consumers $230 a year just by leaving them plugged into the wall.

Not only are we wasting electricity by doing this; but it also makes your appliances less durable over time.

Does everyone in your company take this action at the end of the day?

Try to remember these simple steps before leaving for work or heading out of town for a few days. Again imagine what it would be like if all the people in all the countries in the world could learn to do this what an impact it would make.

Turn off Lights

Another simple habit you can incorporate into your daily routine is by shutting off lights when they are not needed. Not only does this reduce greenhouse gas emissions; but it also saves money on energy bills as well.

The average household wastes $40 a year just by leaving these devices on while no one is around to use them.

If this habit is too much, try installing a programmable thermostat or motion sensor lights in your home! This way you can be sure that these devices are being used when needed and not wasting electricity when everyone has gone to sleep for the night.

Lower Pollution Through More Responsible Travel

One of the biggest ways you can be eco-friendly is by traveling responsibly and reducing pollution on a personal level. Think of the clean air and the forest you might be saving. Let's all do our part to lower those carbon dioxide emissions.

Not only do these methods help planet earth; but they also allow individuals to meet new people, experience different cultures, and relieve stress.

If you must travel by plane; try using carbon offset or renewable energy to compensate for the emissions your flight will produce.

This way you can still go on vacation without changing the environment at home!

For example, if a family is traveling from London to Miami one week; they may choose instead to fly in first class and take a train to their final destination.

While this may cause the family to spend more money in one week; they will be able to travel responsibly and limit the amount of greenhouse gas emissions by choosing an alternate route.

Many companies are doing their part by limiting unnecessary business travel and hosting meetings on site.

Switch to LEDs to Prevent Climate Change

LED to help save the planet

It's that simple. LEDs prevent climate change. Another no nonsense way to help planet earth is by replacing your regular light bulbs with LED ones. These lights are more durable, last longer, and use less energy than ever before!

In fact; they can save you up to $60 a year in electricity costs alone without sacrificing any brightness or quality of lighting at all. Try installing these devices in your home or purchasing a more eco-friendly device for the office.

You will also be able to make an impact in your wallet as well! Try replacing these lights with LEDs every few months and see how much money this effort can truly save over time. While it may seem like nothing at first; the savings really do add up over time!

Think of the whole world transitioning to LEDs. What a bright future that would be.


All of these tips are simple ways to make a big difference in our environment. By taking just one or two of them on board, you can help and protect the planet from further destruction at the same time.

Try using as many eco-friendly techniques as possible. Saving the planet is something that requires everyone’s help and participation; but there are so many easy ways to get started if you take the time to research eco-friendly actions.

Whether its reusing plastic bags or keeping track of what goes in the trash, it all helps to limit carbon emissions and preserve our natural resources.

Our company is dedicated to to the global initiative of conservation and looking for helpful solutions.


Additional Information About Saving The Planet

The Case Against Plastic

Biodegradable Explained

Environmental Sustainability

Eco Friendly Blog

Kitchen Gadget

Home Recycling

What Is Going Green

Why Im Eco Friendly

Living An Eco Friendly Lifestyle

My Favorite Kitchen Product Is Bagups

What Is Composting

How Can I Be Even More Eco Friendly

Bagups Mentioned In Redfin Blog

Photos by:

 Priscilla Du Preez 

Chandra Oh 

andrew welch 

Imran Ali 

Ryan Stone 

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