

Living an Eco-friendly Lifestyle

Some people get so used to using traditional items, filling up their car with gas, and doing other activities that really do not conserve energy, they may bolt at the thought of becoming eco-friendly or adopting that type of lifestyle.

After all, we live in a world that promotes the use of fossil fuels for heating and power and our general transportation needs.

How many people do you know take a bike to work instead of driving, choose to walk to the store rather than using their car, use reusable bags, do not drink from plastic bottles, or regularly recycle?

Unfortunately, most people have not adopted an eco-friendly lifestyle . . . yet.

They are used to buying products that make their life more convenient and carefree.

They drive cars that operate on gasoline and buy everyday items that generate pollution during manufacturing or add to landfill wastes and debris after they are used.

They do not think about the future implications of adopting this kind of “convenient” lifestyle.

Why Eco-friendy Makes Sense

What most people do not know is that an eco-friendly, green-centered life is also one that will help them save money and improve their overall well-being in the long run.

Making things easier on yourself now can end up causing you future troubles.

For example, the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, or using some non-organic products can lead to later problems with your health.

Because chemical pesticides have been shown to pollute the environment, too much movement around the chemicals can contaminate the groundwater or surface water, or injure non-targeted species, such as animals and people.

In addition, the use of chemical pesticides has been shown to be attributed to the cause of health problems, such as cancers of the breasts, brain, ovaries, testis, and lymphoma and leukemia.

Pesticides may also cause reproductive harm that leads to still births, birth defects, infertility, sterility, and spontaneous abortion. While synthetic pesticides are meant to control pests on food, they can also bio-accumulate in our body over time.

Therefore, we need to make a concerted effort to practice eco-friendly activities.

Ignoring the Consequences

We have gotten into the habit of leading such “convenient” lives that we ignore the consequences of using non-organic items, eating foods grown by synthetic means, and performing daily activities that harm the environment and the health of animals and humans.

For instance, our overuse of plastic has lead to problems with clogged landfills and in the material ending up in the ocean.

Unfortunately, winds and showers carry plastic waste into rivers and streams through drainage systems.

These drains lead to the ocean.

Carelessly disposing of this kind of waste contributes to a plastic surge in the seas around the world – a surge that strangles and kills marine life.

An Eco-friendly Solution to Problems with Plastic Waste

Instead of using plastic kitchen bags, you can prevent problems of this nature by buying an eco-friendly product, such as BagUps.

BagUps are made of a certified biodegradable material that is strong as plastic but degrades much faster. It turns into food for worms in about 24 to 36 months.

If people could look into the future and see the results of living a less eco-friendly lifestyle, they might change their mind about how they live their lives now.

If you want to create a better life for yourself ecologically, economically, and health-wise, it is important to support eco-friendly practices now.

Eco-friendly Practices

Besides using biodegradable trash bags, such as BagUps, you can also do the following:

  • Walking or riding a bike, instead of driving, to run errands that are less than 2 miles from your home.
  • Learning to adopt organic practices when gardening at home.
  • Using biodegradable products, such as BagUps, for your kitchen waste.
  • Supporting restaurants or businesses that source food or products locally.
  • Focusing on a lifestyle that is based on zero-waste – reuse, recycle, or refuse to use certain non- eco-friendly products.
  • Using bamboo towels instead of paper towels to reduce problems caused by deforestation.
  • Eating organic produce and foods for better future health.
  • Taking care of your lawn, using organic practices.
  • Collecting rainwater to water your lawn and indoor and outdoor plants.
  • Using solar panels to produce electricity for home use off the electric grid.
  • Planting trees to reduce indoor energy consumption in the summer and to increase the oxygen in the air.

What tips can you share for being more eco-friendly?

Today is the day to make up your mind to adopt green-friendly practices.



Have questions about how you can help save the planet?

Contact us at BagUps.

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Get a BagUps subscription today.


Additional Information About Saving The Planet

The Case Against Plastic

Biodegradable Explained

Environmental Sustainability

Eco Friendly Blog

Kitchen Gadget

Home Recycling

What Is Going Green

Why Im Eco Friendly

My Favorite Kitchen Product Is Bagups

What Is Composting

How Can I Be Even More Eco Friendly

15 Ways We Can Help Save The Planet

Bagups Mentioned In Redfin Blog

Photo by KAL VISUALS on Unsplash